
The forehead energy vortex /sixth chakra according to the P.E.C.A.® method

A healthy forehead energy vortex is located between the eyebrows on a person's forehead. It is complemented by the subcranial vortex and both are fastened into a vertical energy light axis in the centre of the brain. The forehead vortex manages the functions of the pituitary gland, the senses and the nervous system.

A healthy
forehead energy vortex

According to the P.E.C.A. method, both mentioned energy vortexes are healthy when the quantum or light particles in their electromagnetic fields are spinning in a clockwise direction. Additionally, they must also reach an energy level of between 15,000 and 18,000 units on the Bovis scale* which turns the oscillation of the vortex’s frequency into a purple colour. To be healthy, both vortexes also need to be aligned in perfect 90 degree angles against the vertical energy light axis. The energy also needs to be thickened in the widest part of the vortexes’ funnels and the form a membrane which needs to be whole and sealed to keep the energy inside a person. They also protect a person’s body and psyche from rough or lower frequencies in a person’s work or creative environment, such as greed, anger, arrogance, envy and the competitiveness of others.

*The body’s energy is measured according to the Bovis scale. Developed by the French physicist and radiesthesist André Bovis, it measures the level of vital life energy. The scale spans between 0 and 20,000 Bovis units and anything below 6,000 units indicates an energy imbalance or blocked energy somewhere in the body.

A damaged
forehead energy vortex

A damaged forehead energy vortex can lead to various problems in the psyche and the body. Whenever its spin is altered or stopped, the vortex will prevent the flow of fresh, pure energy from the universal field to reach the inner structures it supplies. A level of energy lower than necessary does not provide sufficient strength for the inner structures so the functions of the cerebellum, left eye, ears, nose and the nervous system could be impaired. This makes a person more negative and pessimistic in their thoughts. Vortexes displaced from the axis cause an imbalance in both the psyche as well as in the body tissue. This is demonstrated through either a passive thinking process or very aggressive thought action and also in either too active or underactive pituitary gland. Damage to the forehead and subcranial vortex’s membranes will allow a person to sense other people’s thought flows and prevent them from feeling safe in these vibrations. Often they will not be able to separate the thoughts of others from their own. A person will feel threatened, anxious and uncomfortable. If the forehead vortex together with the subcranial vortex remains injured for a longer period of time a person could feel various consequences in their psychological and physical well-being.

The P.E.C.A.® energy products
which help mend a damaged forehead energy vortex

What effects do the P.E.C.A.® products have on the forehead energy vortex?

The above P.E.C.A. energy products have an intense effect on the mending of the sixth or forehead energy vortex because of the specific energy information carried by the P.E.C.A. symbol. The process follows the basic P.E.C.A. work methodology which includes four steps for healing this energy structure: purification, energising, centralising, aural protection.


the forehead energy vortex
with the help of the P.E.C.A.® products

The P.E.C.A. symbol on the previously mentioned energy products intensively aids the healing of both damaged energy vortexes to a healthy condition. When the vortexes come into contact with these products they receive some sort of a compass or information on how to proceed back to a healthy condition. The P.E.C.A. symbol first purifies the vortexes’ electromagnetic smog of unsuitable vibrations which hinder the vortex’s functions like dark fog. Pessimistic, dark or negative thoughts and ideas create energy darkness around the vortexes. This leads to the suffocation of a person’s creative abilities and a lack of strength to finish started projects. There is no clear vision of a positive attitude towards their mission in life, work or the job that they do. Additionally, a person’s hearing and eyesight might decline, the pituitary gland and the nervous system could weaken and a general inner tension and nervousness may appear.

With regular usage of the P.E.C.A. energy products the process of purification of both vortexes lasts for 28 days. The dark, suffocating veil around the vortexes is transformed into light and they can again move in a clockwise, flowing direction. This provides a person with a clearer, more optimistic look for the future, fresh and creative ideas and the power to realise them in practice.

the forehead energy vortex
with the help of the P.E.C.A.® products

The P.E.C.A. symbol on the energy products then energises the forehead and subcranial vortex. This means that after their blockages had been cleared, fresh strength or energy is resupplied to the vortexes from the universal electromagnetic field until they vibrate in a purple colour. This gives a person sufficient will and energy to put new creative thoughts and ideas into practice together with additional optimism and a desire to work. A person becomes creative and perceives life just like it is. Because they have more energy they are able to accept their superiors at work in a more positive way. While those who are in a leading position will be able to guide others into progress and development with a clear vision and a stable and firm stance. People will sense the person’s new found inner-strength and will easily follow them. An energised vortex on a physical level strengthens a person’s eyesight, hearing and smell, together with the function of the cerebellum, pituitary gland and the nervous system.

The process of energising both vortexes with their appropriate vibrations lasts for approximately 21 days after the process of purification.

the forehead energy vortex
with the help of the P.E.C.A.® products

If the vortexes are displaced from the vertical energy light axis the P.E.C.A. symbol on the products will centralise them into a perfect balance of activity. Whenever the forehead vortex is energetically pure and energised but curved leftwards, to a person’s emotional side, then one could have plenty of ideas and creative thoughts and even the energy to transform them into reality but will remain passive and introverted. If the vortex is tilted rightwards, to a person’s rational side, one could be too pushy or aggressive in the realisation of their creative ideas. A vortex curved upwards indicates that a person expects the spiritual world to help them realise their ideas into practice; one simply waits for help “from above”, losing touch with people and situations here and now. This pushes them from reality and the realisation of ideas in a certain time and place. However, vortexes centralised into the vertical energy light axis rebalance a person’s activity in their field of work and creativity. They enable a person to have healthy collegial relationships in the workplace and balanced actions and reactions when realising their ideas or guiding people in the process.

The process of centralising of the vortex lasts for 14 days after both previous processes.

Aurally protecting
the forehead energy vortex
with the help of the P.E.C.A.® products

The P.E.C.A. symbol located on the mentioned energy products gradually seals and aurally protects the membranes of the forehead and subcranial energy vortexes. This prevents the thought frequencies of others from disturbing our own. It establishes a feeling of security and sovereignty in the execution of our ideas throughout the creative process of life, both in the workplace and in guiding others. A person might feel more relaxed and tolerant towards fellow people. They are more able to listen to others without feeling threatened and responding in a competitive, arrogant or destructive manner. Sealed membranes also enable a person to feel secure and comfortable, but most of all protected from the influences of other people’s mental energies, when executing their life’s calling or work on this planet. Additionally, the sealed membranes shield the body from losing energy out of the system while also protecting the inner structures of the head against the rough energies’ electromagnetic frequencies from the environment.

This process of protection lasts for 7 days after all prior processes.

Depending on the damage, together with all four processes the healing of the forehead and the subcranial energy vortexes lasts for approximately 70 days. Because of this it is sensible and recommended to use or wear the P.E.C.A. products for at least 70 consecutive days and after that continue until your problems’ symptoms in the body or the psyche disappear. The P.E.C.A. symbol on the products therefore firstly mends the vortex’s activity and then sustains it in its proper functions; that is why these products may be used indefinitely in everyday life.

The effects of a healthy forehead vortex on a person’s body and psyche

When the energy network of vortexes is repositioned back into a healthy function, the increased amount of energy flowing into the body can induce a perfectly natural body cleansing. This means that a surplus of stagnated energy is discharged from the nine human orifices; from the eyes, ears, nostrils, mouth, anus and urethra. Specific to the forehead vortex we might notice a more profound elimination of mucus from the sinuses. Accumulation of ear wax might also occur. The skin on the face could release additional toxic substances. This way, the P.E.C.A. symbol on the products gives the inner structures the strength and the possibility to cleanse themselves of gathered sediments.

The P.E.C.A. symbol may also induce the so-called natural psychological cleansings. A person suppresses a lot into the subconscious and is not aware of the accumulated negative psychological energy within, which they neither can nor know how to release. In reality these are their life’s records, memories and impressions from the moment they took their first breath to the present. This accumulated and suppressed energy may be released into the surface by the P.E.C.A. symbol and purified through intense crying, laughter, hysteria or anger. The P.E.C.A. symbol also has the ability to transform the accumulated impressions, records and memories of seen or heard contents from the work field. These could be purified through dreams or the reliving of disturbing feelings felt during the work process but suppressed deep inside for the sake of politeness and correctness. So for a short period of time some of these negative vibrations may express more strongly in us but this is just temporary and deeply beneficial to every individual.

Apply for energy examination according to the P.E.C.A.® method

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